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My name is Rebekah Penrice-Randal

I am a molecular virologist and bioinformatician with a specific interest in applying RNA sequencing and computational methods to further our understanding of disease. I am passionate about virology and public health and enjoy working in multidisciplinary teams and environments. I am currently a PDRA in the Emmott Lab at the University of Liverpool investigating coronavirus replication and transcription.


My PhD thesis explored nanopore sequencing methodologies on samples derived from patients with severe coronavirus disease (MERS/SARS-CoV-2) to answer questions about viral evolution, viral sgmRNAs, microbiome and the hosts transcriptional response. During my PhD I gained experience in big data and bioinformatics, which I continued into my post doc where I researched the impact of antivirals on the mutational spectra of SARS-CoV-2, and integration of RNAseq data from multiple models of SARS-CoV-2. See my publication list here.


I previously worked for TopMD as a research scientist and I remain as an associate, where I use my knowledge and expertise of RNA sequencing and gene expression analysis within a multidiscplinary team to explore biomarkers of disease and identifying outcome predictors.


You can also view media related to my research and public engagement here.

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